As the last show of the year comes up life has gotten pretty busy. Cleaning and improving the studio before this weekend has become as much part of the job as making glass. Since the show is at David's studio it is important that we get everything ready on time. David will have a large selection of his work on display and I will have a small display corner for my own glass. I will also be showing off my cut paper pictures for the first time! Besides us, David's girlfriend, Andrea, will be there selling hand-made soap, a painter, Linnea Doyle, will be selling her paintings of robots, and a jewler, Scott Verson, will be selling his work! All together it will make a great range of items perfect for holiday presents! Christmas is only in two more weeks!
Show dates are: December 14th - 16th (Fri. 5-9, Sat. 10-8pm, Sun. 12-5pm).
And is located at: 2885 Country Drive #180 Little Canada, MN 55117
Hope to see you there!