With all the downtime the winter season provides me I have had a lot of time lately to work on some of my more complex creations, namely my Angel series of which "Firebird" is one of. Over the past few months I've been painstakingly carving several new models from wax. Two of these my Pheonix modeled off the Arabesque dance move and another more lonely figure were finished at the end of December. Another two weeks passed during which I cast these figures in plaster, melted out the wax and dried the molds. Finally this week both were ready to me fired.On Monday I put both molds into a kiln at Foci Glass. Yesterday I monitered the kilns all day to make sure they reached temperature and melted fully, then spent the rest of the day crashing the kiln down and making sure they reached their annealing (cooling) temperature safely. They will be coming out of kiln Thursday and ready to break open this weekend!
An example of the Arabesque dance pose: