The season for shows is almost over with SOFA having been the last big one. I have one last show in two weeks. It is out in Plymouth, MN and is a great place to come get gifts for the holidays!
With the down time we now have things that we have put off are getting done. We shut down David's furnace to change the crucible and to repair several large cracks that are appearing in it's superstructure. Unfortunately in talking it apart we realized that the furnace has been leaking for a while which is a huge mess but since we are planning on completely rebuilding the furnace this winter it is not the biggest problem as long as it can remain functional for another two months. In the mean time we will be working out of FOCI and enjoying their new 800lb furnace. It's a beast!
I am also taking the time to work on some of my more complex cast pieces. This means building the models up out of wax, a process I dislike but that is well worth it. I'm really excited at how a couple of pieces are shaping up. They're going to be a little smaller than my "Firebird" but more intricate.